Multiculturalism, Immigration Devastating Sweden

On December 4, Palmgren told this AMERICAN FREE PRESS: “Over the past 25 years since the inception of multiculturalism in Sweden, murder rates have increased 300%, while rapes have risen 1,472%. Although our left-wing government covers up these figures, and the Statistics Bureau under their thumb downplays its significance, many people in Sweden are beginning to get loud about what’s going on.”
Palmgren backed up his words. “Today, other than South Africa, Sweden is the rape capital of the world. As the number of immigrants into our country rose, so did the number of rapes. Investigators have poured over police records, studying every incident, and they discovered that 95% of the rapists had non-Swedish last names.”
Palmgren spoke of these matters with a sincere conviction. “Sweden is one of the most peaceful countries you’ll ever find. We’re admired around the world, but our nation has been utterly ruined and destroyed since the 1990s due to a massive increase of immigrants. The transformation that has taken place over the past 15-20 years is unprecedented. Sweden has become a canary in the multiculturalism coalmine. Everything changed so quickly in terms of crime rates, rape, and conflict. If anyone saw how bad things are, they’d say Sweden is a lost country.”
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