On the insanity of ‘an eye for an eye’ and those who glorify it
Source: thepeoplesvoice.org
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”—Mahatma Gandhi (attributed)There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”—Howard Zinn
Recently, Mr. ‘Hope And Change’ Barack Obama (also known as the predator-drone-missile president), officially launched his corporate reelection campaign by shamelessly touting his role in the extra-judicial, U.S. government’s official version, of the assassination of Osama Bin Laden.
Of course, Mr.’ Hope And Change’ said nothing of his even more recent assassination of the U.S. Constitution, when he signed into law the draconian and infamous National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which calls for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens in this nation without the bother of the constitutional right to the due process of being charged, having a trial, a jury, or even the right to present a legal defense, etc. Now, U.S. citizens can be legally ‘disappeared,’ tortured, and indefinitely imprisoned in this supposed ‘land of the free and home of the brave.’
The nostrils of the Republican Party power brokers angrily flared at Obama’s cheek in taking credit for the Bin Laden assassination; as in typical Obama fashion he had out-Republicaned the Republicans in a pathetic and shameless display of blood curdling hypocrisy. The power brokers of both of the corporately-owned and symbiotically-joined Democrat and Republican parties never even bothered to question the legitimacy of U.S. government extra-judicial killings or how such killings ensure and strengthen the perpetual spiral of an ‘eye for an eye’ “terrorism.” And, of course, neither the Democrats or Republicans dared to seriously address the NDAA assassination and gutting of the U.S. Constitution. Why? Because both political parties were overwhelmingly complicit in and with Obama’s unconstitutional assassination of the human rights of everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in the United States.
The U.S. government’s approach in perpetually carrying out bloody wars and aggression in nations around the world is utterly insane and horrible for everyday people here and abroad, but it is absolutely great for the small blood sucking corporate Wall Street elite who rake in trillions of dollars in profit by making bombs, fighter and bomber aircraft, war ships, missiles, bullets, land mines, and an endless array of other implements of war. The ordinary people be damned!
This insanity is not about maintaining ‘security.’ It is about ensuring insecurity for ordinary people, through the maintenance of an atmosphere of disinformation, perpetual fear and war mongering in the deliberately manufactured, fallacious, and misguided name of so-called ‘patriotism.’ Thus, we ordinary people, at home and abroad, are kept in a state of deliberately maintained insanity, fed by the endless lies, distractions, and omissions by the U.S. corporate-stream ‘news’ media.
Read the full article at: thepeoplesvoice.org