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Orlando Smoking Gun: Nobody Died Until The SWAT Team Entered
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Orlando Smoking Gun: Nobody Died Until The SWAT Team Entered


Judge Andrew Napolitano has appeared on national TV and said that the official FBI transcript summary of the Orlando shooting shows that nobody in the Pulse nightclub died until 5:13am, throwing the official narrative peddled by the mainstream media into disarray.

According to the official narrative, Omar Mateen entered the club around 02:00am and began his killing spree. However, as Judge Andrew Napolitano points out in the video below, that story doesnt tally with what the FBI have in their official transcript summary.

“Here’s what is news in the summary – nobody died until 05:13 in the morning, when the SWAT team entered. Prior to that no one had been killed. The 53 that were injured, and the 49 that were murdered all met their fates at the time of, and during, the police entry into the building,” Judge Napolitano said.

This could be the smoking gun which unravels this entire mystery. Why has the FBI issued gag orders to local police, fire, and emergency medical personnel? Why has the 911 audio and emergency scanner archives between the hours of 12:00am and 03:00am EST been erased or physically requisitioned by the FBI?

It has been suggested that 5:13am is just the official time of death – they weren’t declared dead until there were police inside who saw the bodies. However this theory doesn’t hold water because it has been established that a group of five to six police officers had been in the club for ’15 to 20 minutes – could’ve been longer’ before the SWAT team burst in.

So did Omar Mateen suddenly start killing people when the SWAT team entered at 5:13am? Or did the SWAT team execute 49 people at 5:13am? Listen to the entrance the SWAT team makes in the video below.


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