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Over 600 Jewish Groups Declare Their Support for Black Lives Matter Terror Uprising
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Over 600 Jewish Groups Declare Their Support for Black Lives Matter Terror Uprising

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Why do they support America’s destruction?

Over 600 Jewish groups came together last week to take out a full-page ad in the New York Times declaring their unequivocal support for the Black Lives Matter terror uprising that is tearing America apart.

“We support the Black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us,” the letter read, which was published in the Times on Friday.

“As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews,” the letter continued.

Audrey Sasson, the executive director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, said that opponents of Black Lives Matter are guilty of anti-Semitism.

“We were starting to see the far-right concoct conspiracy theories that Black Lives Matter was being manipulated by Globalists and Marxists in an anti-Semitic attempt to undermine the Black-led movement,” Sasson said.

“This brought an opportunity to unequivocally state as a large swath of Jewish community organizations that we stand behind Black Lives Matter and that any attempt to divide that movement will not land,” she added.

However, the organizers of Black Lives Matter have been explicit in their Marxist intentions from the outset.

Big League Politics has reported about Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors’ stunning admission that she is a “trained Marxist” agitating toward the destruction of the U.S. Bill of Rights and Constitution:

Patrisse Cullors, a woman who is credited as the co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM), confirmed during a recent appearance with The Real News that the movement was conceived by “trained Marxists” pushing an agenda of communist revolution.

“We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and [BLM co-founder Alicia Garza] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists,” Cullors said.

“We are super versed on all sorts of ideological theories, and I think that what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” she added…

BLM’s own website contains a great deal of Marxist language and is littered with buzzwords commonly used by practitioners of the godless, anti-American ideology. They maintain that their movement is focused “on issues concerning racial injustice, police brutality, criminal justice reform, Black immigration, economic injustice, LGBTQIA+ and human rights, environmental injustice, access to healthcare, access to quality education, and voting rights and suppression.”

The terror group has even received pointers from the Nelson Mandela Foundation, named after the terrorist and communist pawn who seized control over South Africa, on how to commit violence to achieve their revolutionary ends…

Cullors and other BLM co-founders need to be jailed and charged with treason for their criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

These Jewish organizations have effectively endorsed this agenda of left-wing terror and destruction meant to destabilize the U.S.


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