Ruminations of the Universe 6: I Am You
The ‘I’ that I am and the ‘I’ that you are, are one and the same. It is consciousness itself that looks through both sets of eyes. We assume that our sense of self-awareness applies only to ourselves while others also do the same. All ‘selfs’ and the corresponding feelings/perceptions are processed simultaneously at the point of singularity transcendent to the shifting tides of time. If you become a mirror and I become a mirror, we will find that we are the same mirror. Our collective ‘reality’ is the phenomenon that is reflected passing through.If you can consciously reside at the mirror point, then at any time you can become the mirror in the other, literally seeing for yourself through another’s eyes. If you look deeply enough into any eye you will see that it is you looking at you. This can be found in a friend, a lover, or even in a favorite pet. After all, at the point of no division, life is life and its expressions are all demonstrative of the Creator’s imagination. In each of our incarnated bodies, we reflect a series of happenings and the resulting expansion of understanding is sent back into the whole.
Being one with life, you are now able to see things from every perspective. Being every creature, you can no longer tolerate the cruelty that is inflicted upon nature with its myriad of justifications. Being the Earth, you know that to be cut deeply and bled dry is the reason for ferocious weather screams. Being the Sun, you understand that solar flares are indicative of the increase in energy being sent so as to awaken humanity before they destroy themselves. Being the Stars, you are beyond limitation and are absolutely certain that nothing is ever lost.
The Sun’s son (or daughter) is awareness in us. We all come from the same Source. Swimming back upstream like the salmon through deprogramming the mind and healing the emotions, we make room for a deeper universal understanding. As soon as we interpret we will get confused. As long as we reflect, there is no limit to what we can ascertain. Watch everything and all will be revealed. The truth of life is very simple. We have made our world very complex. Stepping out of the body/mind shell we leave the madness behind.
~Christopher Moors
Ruminations of the Universe: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5