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Sweden to Ban Alternative Media
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Sweden to Ban Alternative Media

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By changing the constitution, the Swedish government wants to prohibit websites that reveal the ethnicity of convicted criminals, Fria Tider reports.

It is through a change in the Freedom of the press and the freedom of expression Act that Stefan Löfven and his government want to prohibit popular Swedish sites such as Lexbase and Fria Tider, referring to the fact that they contain "sensitive personal data." Neither alternative media nor any of the sites are explicitly mentioned in the bill, but the company behind Lexbase, Verifiera AB, is one of the referral bodies.

When the government sent out the first version of the bill to Swedish leftist universities and other referral bodies, it was met with harsh criticism. The government had namely proposed to ban the publication of data revealing "race" -- something that is a social construction according to the official ideology in Sweden and other parts of the United States-controlled part of the world.

The Faculty of Law at the Lund University opposes the use of the expression and instead proposes that the wording "concept of race" is to be used. At Uppsala University, the Faculty of Law replies that "race" should be replaced by "ethnic origin, skin color or other similar relationship."

If the law passes, it could mean an end to the truth coming out of Sweden, and a total victory for fake news, represented by SVT, Expressen, Aftonbladet and other news organizations that are spreading disinformation to keep people from objecting to the ongoing cultural suicide, which will (most likely) eventually end up in a bloody civil war.


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