The guy who yelled "Pepe" during Hillary's speech is a cuck
Yesterday, Hillary gave a speech in which she formally condemned the alt-right. The speech itself was quite dull; at one point, however, a gentleman shouted "Pepe" – obviously referring to the cartoon frog meme that has become a staple of the alt-right.
I remember being impressed when I heard this. The brave lad infiltrated our enemies' stronghold for the sole purpose of subjecting Hillary to a verbal onslaught of memetic proportions.
However, a recent Breitbart interview with the man in question, Sean Lewandowsi, revealed that he is not, in fact, one of us.
I proudly consider myself a member of the Alt Right…now saying that, or admitting that publicly has its drawbacks because of the false narrative being peddled by the regressive left that the Alt Right is all Neo-Nazi Russian Agents, hell bent on establishing a White Supremacist world takeover, all bullshit” said Sean in an interview with me.
I call myself alt right because the conservative establishment right in this country does not represent my views, they are just as much to blame for the disaster taking place in America as the left, the alt right to me is fiscal responsibility, secure borders, enforcement of immigration laws, ending the PC culture, and promoting AMERICA FIRST (Not Sharia First)” he continued.
If you come to this country legally, follow the laws, learn our language, and love the country, you are equal, no matter your color, or religion. Basically alt-right is to separate ourselves from the failing establishment right.”
Sean is a civic nationalist, yet he claims to be part of the alt-right.
This is ironic, considering that Richard Spencer, the man who coined the term alt-right, is an explicit (not implicit, mind you) racialist.
Ignoring the racial component of the alt-right would be like ignoring the limited government aspect of conservatism.
While I still commend Sean on his excellent trolling, I am quite disappointed with his luke-warm and ultimately stupid political views.
Why are his views stupid, you might ask? For one, conservative principles, such as fiscal responsibility, are something that virtually only White people care about. 90% of Republican voters are White, and this percentage has continually increased over the past few decades.
Nevertheless, conservative simpletons refuse to accept this. The alt-right, however, acknowledges that altering the racial demographic of a country will have drastic effects. We are also well aware of the fact that humans are inherently tribal – barring a substantial number of Whites, that is. Furthermore, this tribalism is only exacerbated in a multicultural/multiracial society.
Perhaps Sean will someday accept that his political views are implicitly White. Until then, however, I would implore him to remember the origin of the term alt-right, and cease trying to paint our movement as something it is not.