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Vigil for Victims of Manchester Bombing Interrupted by Axeman
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Vigil for Victims of Manchester Bombing Interrupted by Axeman

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Diversity strikes again!


A vigil being held in Birmingham for the victims of the Manchester terror attack has been interrupted by a man brandishing an axe.

West Midlands Police (WMP) confirmed a 39-year-old man had been detained during a candle-lit service in memory of the 22 killed in the Manchester Arena bomb attack.

In other words, a vigil for victims of non-White violence was threatened by non-White violence.

This is the new normal.

Uncomfortable? Afraid? Don’t worry – you’ll get used to it. If not, the system will happily see to it that you’re entertained, made comfortable, and/or medicated into quiet acquiescence.

And if that doesn’t work, you’re probably an evil, bigoted racist. After all, only a racist would even attempt to notice patterns in group behavior.

Contrary to what progressives believe, no light awaits us at the end of this multicultural tunnel – only terror, ethnic strife, and a parasitic welfare state. Moreover, further terrorism will lead to a police state, complementing the Orwellian "hate speech" legislation already in place in many European countries.

At this point, it's clear that progressives are willing to sacrifice virtually anything in pursuit of their utopian agenda. Deaths are mere statistics; rapes are isolated incidents; terrorism has no religion – except Christianity. And skeptics of the whole endeavor are, of course, heretics – unpersons – deserving naught but persecution.

It is for this reason that the Alt-Right is so terribly necessary.


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