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Boston Bombings & Third Way Control Mechanism

Patrick Henningsen, an independent journalist currently based in London, is the managing editor of 21st Century Wire, which delivers news and exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, climate change, the war on terror, technology and Wall Street. Besides demonstrating freedom speech and thought, one of the main intentions of 21st Century Wire is to empower readers by giving them the tools to decode mainstream propaganda. In the first hour, we’ll discuss the Boston bombings. We speculate on how the Tsarnaev brothers, possibly on the FBI payroll, were set up. Then, we talk about the independent investigations on the Internet into the bombings from sites such as Reddit and 4chan. When the public presented the FBI with suspect evidence, they were dismissed. We also cover the pressure cooker debacle. We end the first hour on the bigger geopolitical game with focus on the Middle East. In the second hour, we discuss government regulation of the media, which is now extending onto bloggers in Europe. Patrick talks the problem, reaction, solution scenario and how a centralized dictatorship run by government bureaucrats, lobbied by big companies will eliminate all competition and independence and destroy the middle class of small business owners. We’ll tie in the Nordic model of government and the clever conspiracy of pushing "corporate socialism" or "capitalist communism" as the third way of control. Lastly, we touch upon the economic take over in southern Europe and tensions ramping up with Korea.

Relevant Links
The Case of Boston’s Disappearing Bomb Squad
Eyewitness: ‘Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times’
21st Century Wire was right: Boston Suspect unarmed when barrage of bullets hit boat
Boston Martial Law: ‘They were confiscating guns from residents’
Boston Inconsistencies (Graphic images)
4chan ’False Flag’ Conspiracy Theory Predicted Boston Marathon Bombing Arrest
Proof of Drills at Marathon: Eyewitness Speaks Out
Identity of the Men In Black and Khaki Uniforms at the Boston Marathon Bombings
Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation
Ministry of Truth makes Boston bombing suspect disappear
The most mystifying things the Tsarnaev brothers did
Watch the Media Fumble Around For Terror Connections
Hackers hijack CBS to claim Obama involvement in Boston bombings
Boston suspect was under FBI surveillance
Anzor Tsarnev, father of Boston bomb suspects says he believes secret services framed his sons
The House Passes CISPA ’Cybersecurity Bill’, Boston Bombings Invoked As Reason

More from Guest(s) / Speaker(s)

The Ferguson Frenzy & The Technocrat War on Human NatureISIS Crisis & Israel’s StrategyUkraine, Crimea, Russia and the WestThe Politically Correct MatrixSyria, Snowden, NSA & the Whistleblower Circus


Fluke - Atom Bomb


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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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