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Male and Female Behavior Biologically Determined
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Male and Female Behavior Biologically Determined


Male and female behavioral patterns are biological in origin and the “gender neutral” fad is futile against this reality, Debra W. Soh, a sexual neuroscientist at York University in Toronto and writer for the Globe and Mail, Harpers, the Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, the L. A. Times, and Playboy magazine, has said.

In an article published by the L.A. Times—an adventurous newspaper which often breaks ranks with the controlled media—Soh said that “In steadfast pursuit of gender equality and to promote nonconformity,” it had become popular to start “raising young children in a gender-neutral way.”

The article, titled “The futility of gender-neutral parenting,” went on to list these “gender neutral” child-raising patterns as “not revealing the baby’s sex at birth, dressing them and their bedroom in various shades of oatmeal, [and] encouraging them to play with gender-neutral toys.”

There is also pressure on corporations to help, Soh continued, saying that “parental complaints” had led a major U.S. retailer to “stop sex-segregating its toys.”

All this was, however, she pointed out, a waste of time because “the scientific reality is that it’s futile to treat children as blank slates with no predetermined characteristics. Biology matters.”

Read the rest at The New Observer.


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