Born in Northern Ireland, Michael Tsarion is an expert on the occult histories of Ireland and America. He is the author of several books, including "Astro-Theology", the companion book to Michael Tsarion’s DVD on Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology. Michael says, Christians do not need to find salvation from sin. They need to find salvation from priestly deceivers who have everything to lose should their congregations discover the true origins of their religion. They need to be saved from mythmongers and forgers guilty of cannibalizing and rescripting the traditions of the ancient Cults. Christian theology is based on Astro-Theology. It is a corrupt hybrid of Irish Druidism and Egyptian Amenism. The future of Christianity depends upon this truth being widely known and accepted. It depends upon the exposure of deceivers in high places who continue to profit from the ignorance and blind faith of millions of men and women who, despite their own resistance and apathy, deserve to know the truth. Topics Discussed: Christianity's ancient hidden roots, the Vatican, the clergy, deception, Giza, "Goat-Men", Goths, words with "Ary" & "Ari" roots, serpent symbolism, the stars and the Zodiac, messiah, annointed, Sobek & crocodile fat, dragons, Naddreds, Gnadir, astrological motifs in renaissance artwork and media corporations, monotheism, Akhenaton (Moses), sun worship, luciferianism, light, the solar cult and the stellar cult, Khem, Camelot, Scythians, the Druids, Ur, Eric, Marduk, the sea people, Mer, Kabiri and much more.Relevant Links
Irish Origins of Civilization (Appendix I - Druidic Symbolism)